Archivio | aprile, 2019

cit. Alighieri

25 Apr

Ciascun dal proprio cuor l’altrui misura


from ‘Hand in My Pocket’ – Morissette

25 Apr
I’m free but I’m focused, I’m green but I’m wise
I’m hard but I’m friendly, baby
I’m sad but I’m laughing, I’m brave but I’m chicken shit
I’m sick but I’m pretty baby

What it all comes down to
Is that I haven’t got it all figured out just yet
‘Cause I’ve got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving a peace sign

Alanis Morisette – Thank U

19 Apr

How ‘bout getting off of these antibiotics
How ‘bout stopping eating when I’m full up
How ‘bout them transparent dangling carrots
How ‘bout that ever elusive kudo

Thank you India, thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty, thank you consequence
Thank you, thank you, silence

How ‘bout me not blaming you for everything
How ‘bout me enjoying the moment for once
How ‘bout how good it feels to finally forgive you
How ‘bout grieving it all one at a time

Thank you India, thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty, thank you consequence
Thank you, thank you, silence

The moment I let go of it
Was the moment I got more than I could handle
The moment I jumped off of it
Was the moment I touched down

How ‘bout no longer being masochistic
How ‘bout remembering your divinity
How ‘bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out
How ‘bout not equating death with stopping
Thank you India, thank you providence
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you nothingness, thank you clarity
Thank you, thank you, silence

crosta e mollica

12 Apr


– sarebbe potuto essere o non è stato

– sarebbe potuto essere o sarà questo il caso

La fiducia ha un peso, amico mio

inestimabile e soggettivo

tanto difficile da affidare

a questo cuore vulnerabile e differente

perché ingenuo e senza malizia

che spaventa al solo pensiero

sfiorato da un altro cuore

forse ferito, forse arenato.

Mille fotogrammi scattano nella testa

come in un vecchio proiettore

che si inceppa e torna indietro

perché non riesce a leggere

la gioia allontanata.

Ancora pulsa il desiderio e si dimena

scansando bestie e paranoie

contro l’idea che paralizza

spada di Damocle che ha sancito il tuo percorso.

C’è da qualche parte un’acuta lanterna

l’eco di parole e carezze ribadite

si muove tra le tue orecchie rosse.

Vorresti non sentirle

rimescolare i dubbi

chiudere semplicemente la porta

con un sorriso lieve.

Ma brucia la pancia e

bruciano le mani

la lingua ha sete di ossigeno

e di carezze,

e ancora di letti, viaggi, case, libri, cene …

e gratitudine.


Celebrity skin – Hole

2 Apr


Oh, make me over
I’m all I want to be
A walking study
In demonology
Hey, so glad you could make it
Yeah, now you really made it
Hey, so glad you could make it now
Oh, look at my face
My name is might have been
My name is never was
My name’s forgotten
Hey, so glad you could make it
Yeah, now you really made it
Hey, there’s only us left now
When I wake up in my makeup
It’s too early for that dress
Wilted and faded somewhere in
I’m glad I came here
With your pound of flesh
No second billing cause you’re a star now
Oh, Cinderella
They aren’t sluts like you
Beautiful garbage beautiful dresses
Can you stand up or will you
Just fall down
You better watch out
What you wish for
It better be worth it
So much to die for
Hey, so glad you could make it
Yeah, now you really made it
Hey, there’s only us left now
When I wake up in my makeup
Have you ever felt so used up as this?
It’s all so sugarless
Hooker, waitress, model, actress
Oh, just go nameless
Honeysuckle, she’s full of poison
She obliterated everything she kissed
Now she’s fading
Somewhere in Hollywood
I’m glad I came here
With your pound of flesh
You want a part of me
Well, I’m not selling cheap
No, I’m not selling cheap